Many people experience neck pain as a result of poor posture, but this type of pain usually resolves quickly. However, chronic neck pain that radiates into your head or arms may be a sign of a structural problem. If you have ongoing neck pain, set up a consultation with the orthopedic specialist at Puziss Orthopedics. Dr. Puziss takes a holistic approach to care and offers many treatment options to help you get relief from your neck pain. Call the office in Beaverton, Oregon today.
request an appointmentWhat causes neck pain?
Your neck, or cervical spine, supports the weight and movement of your head. The structure and function of your neck make it more vulnerable to injury and pain conditions.
Typical causes of neck pain include:
- Muscle strain
- Herniated disc
- Radiculopathy
- Nerve pain
- Facet joint syndrome
- Trigger points
- Arthritis
- Whiplash
- headache caused by neck conditions
Neck pain may result from poor posture, which places extra stress on the muscles, ligaments, and joints.
Your neck pain may also occur because of problems related to your temporomandibular joint (TMJ), the hinge joint that connects your jaw to your skull. Osteoarthritis or an injury to the jaw may cause pain at the joint that radiates to your face, neck, or head.
What are the symptoms of neck pain?
Your neck pain symptoms vary depending on the underlying cause. Neck pain from poor posture may cause muscle aches and tightness and head pain.
Neck pain related to the structure or function of the cervical spine may be more severe and limit the range of motion of your head. You may also have nerve pain and feel tingling, burning, or numbness that radiates into your back, shoulders, arms, or hands.
When your neck pain develops from TMJ disorder, you may also experience muscle pain and headaches.
You may be able to manage muscle tightness and soreness with at-home care; however, if you have severe or chronic neck pain that radiates into your arms, Dr. Puziss recommends you schedule a consultation.
What happens during a neck pain evaluation?
Dr. Puziss orders an in-depth exam when you come in for a neck pain evaluation. He aims to find the root cause of your pain so he can provide the most effective treatment.
During your neck evaluation, Dr. Puziss asks detailed questions about your symptoms, including when the pain started, the type of pain you feel, and the activities that make it worse. He examines your neck, assessing movement, stability, and strength.
To determine the underlying cause of your neck pain, Dr. Puziss may request diagnostic imaging such as digital X-rays, MRIs, or nerve conduction studies.
How is neck pain treated?
Dr. Puziss takes a personalized and conservative approach to care. Treatment for your neck pain may include:
- Activity modification
- Posture therapy
- Physical therapy
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
- Steroid injections
- Facet Injections referrals
- Chiropractic care
- Acupuncture
- Nightguard for TMJ pain
- Related headache or concussion evaluation
- Inner ear referrals
- Special neck pillows
- cervical neck collar
He may also order an ergonomic evaluation, to assess whether your home or work environment may be contributing to your neck pain.
Dr. Puziss works closely with you to design a treatment plan that not only alleviates your pain but prevents or delays the need for surgical intervention.
However, if conservative care fails to bring you relief, Dr. Puziss refers you to the best surgeons in the area, including oral surgeons for TMJ disorder, for a consultation.
Ongoing neck pain can affect your quality of life. Call Paul M. Puziss M.D. – Puziss Orthopedics to get relief from your pain.